Anna: at the start of everything

Anna: at the start of everything

Wednesday 12 December 2012

The World Is Yours

To say the world is yours and the birds are too
be kind to foxes, rats and dolphins you have the most love of all
and it will be shared to others.
You will climb a tree and all the animals will clamber on you
spiders, birds, ants and lots more.
You will be the mother of the whole world and every animal in the world
can read your mind in peace.
Even monkeys love you baboons too
the trees and the bushes the flowers to you are the god of the world.
Think of the snails the slugs and more you think they're yuk but they don't at all they like you and love
you as much as you love yourself.

God of the world, I will treat you so, as I love you so much that you wouldn't  know.

By Anna Zhang


1 comment:

  1. So love this poem!
    it somehow sounds all so true!

    happy new year wishes form us in Oslo loft flat
    hugs in heaps

    maria and co
